Who would you like to contact?

Please make your selection below.

Dalkeith History Society

If you would like more information about the History Society or if you have a question about old Dalkeith, please let us know and someone will get back to you.

We are a team of volunteers so please allow 28 days for a reply.

Dalkeith Museum

If you would like more information about the Museum, our Collection or to book a tour or private visit please get in touch and someone will get back to you.

Like the History Society, we are volunteers and the Museum is only open 2 days per week so please allow 28 days for a reply.

Get in Touch

Dalkeith Museum
61 St Andrew Street
EH22 1BP
Tel: 0131 663 4683
Email: info@dalkeithmuseum.co.uk

So much more…

There’s more to the Dalkeith History Society than meets the eye.

The Museum

Dalkeith Tours

Want to Know More?

For over 50 years Dalkeith History Society has encouraged locals and visitors to explore, value and remember the past.  There is much more to Dalkeith than meets the eye!